The 35th NHRU AGM is scheduled for Wednesday 25th March 2020, 7.00pm in the South Lounge, First Floor, QBE Stadium, and Stadium Drive, Albany.

Please find set out below details of the various nominations required, and other items for your information:


1. Directors

a.       Club Directors (4).  As per the Constitution there are two Club Director vacancies.  The Club Director to retire by rotation is Gary Howarth who has advised he is seeking re-election. The other Club Director to retire is Matt France who, as per clause 7.4 (c), was elected by the Board due to a casual vacancy occurring between successive Annual General Meetings and as such must retire.  Matt France has advised he is seeking re-election. Nominations are called for two Club Directors and must be in the hands of the General Manager by Wednesday 26th February 2020, not less than 28 days prior to the date fixed for the AGM.

b.      Appointed Directors (4).  There are two Appointed Director vacancies. Incumbents may re-stand for election. An advertisement for the two Appointed Directors is attached and will be advertised on the NHRU website and through employment websites.  An Appointments Committee will interview applicants and make recommendations to be considered at the AGM.  Applications for Appointed Directors close on Wednesday 26th February 2020, not less than 28 days prior to the date fixed for the AGM.


2. Officers

Nominations for Officers (Patron, President, and Vice President) are called for and must be in the hands of the Board 35 days prior to the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting by Wednesday 19th February 2020.  The current Officers of the Union are:


Patron                                   Peter Dolan

President                              John McKittrick

Vice-President                      Brett Norris


The Patron Peter Dolan will seek re-election. The current President John McKittrick must retire.  The current Vice-President Brett Norris is seeking to be elected as the President.  Nominations for Vice-President are required from the Members by Wednesday 19th February 2020.  


3. Business

You are reminded that under Clause 14.2 of the Constitution no business shall be transacted unless notice thereof shall have been given in writing to the General Manager of the Union at least 14 days prior to the meeting (i.e. Wednesday 11th March 2020).


4. Attendees

Under Clause 14.5(c) you must advise the names of your representatives at least 48 hours before the date of the meeting (i.e. Monday 23rd March 2020).  Clubs and Affiliated bodies are entitled to be represented as per Clause 14.6 (a).  



Kind Regards

David Gibson

North Harbour Rugby




