Dear Rugby People,

There is concern that the Sport and Recreation funding may be negatively affected by other priorities in the Long Term Plan (LTP). 
We need you to take notice and #akhaveyoursay!!



What is the LTP?                               

This is a ten year budget that outlines where Auckland Council funding will be invested.
What is the issue? Community sport and physical activity no longer appears to be priority on the Auckland Council' Vision and Strategy.  Rugby has plans to grow the game in different ways (form, formats and delivery models)  and is highly dependent on more durable ground surfaces, better lights and better access.  A lack of investment in these will inhibit the growth of the game for current and new participants.


      Who will be affected?                                                                                                                

Our Clubs, Players, Coaches, Referees and Parents.  Insufficient Council investment into the development of sports facilities.  Insufficient investment in the upgrading of current facilities. Ultimately, there is a risk that we may lose what we have and the quality of what we have available (grounds and buildings) in a time when we need to look at more investment so our kids and families can get out and do what we have always done- play Rugby & Sport, have fun, connect and keep active and healthy- at a relatively low cost.
How can you help? 

There is a PUBLIC consultation process currently underway (28 Feb-28 March).  It is simple.  Just #AKHAVEYOURSAY!!  The attached one pager which outlines a number of ways on how you can have your say in a number of ways. 



Below is a simple 3 step process to complete the submission on line

1.      Click on this link Give us your feedback now

2.      Go to “ Any other feedback Question 7”

3.      It is important to insert feedback that raises a few key themes from your club or locally i.e. if it is a “cut & paste” job the feedback maybe not taken into account.


  • Rugby & Sports appreciates the current investment from the Auckland Council
  • [I/ name of Club/ School/ Committee] would like to see an increased investment
    into Rugby & Sports Facilities (Upgrading and Development)….[why]
  • [I/ name of Club/ School/ Committee] would like to see an increased investment
    to keep Rugby and Sport affordable…[why]

Top Tips:

  1. Share this message with others and encourage them to share with other like-minded people
    i.e. if you have 5 friends and they have five friends, and so on.
  2. Send it around your teams mates
  3. A Club can provide a submission, a Committee can provide a submission, an Individual can provide a submission
  4. You can submit on Facebook and Twitter but you must use #akhaveyoursay


This a critical piece of work and something that WILL have an impact on our Clubs and the spaces we
currently play on. To do nothing is not an option.


If you have any questions please contact myself or Denis Henderson at the Union.



David Gibson | General Manager


DDI:  (09) 447 2113 | Mob: (021) 707-208| Fax: (09) 447-2101|
